Artist Statement and CV

Artist Statement
I paint because I am a creative soul and this just happens to be my favored outlet for creative expression. I once read that mountain climbers do what they do because they "feel in the moment" or alive when they are on the side of a mountain. This is how I feel when I paint.

Besides painting, I have devoted much of life to studying music which I consider to be a "sister" art. I received my A.R.C.T. Piano Teacher's Diploma in 2009 and subsequently have taken up playing both the 5-string banjo and the ukulele.

Artist CV
Shirley Rayner
26 Park Pl E
Winnipeg, MB
R3P 1B7


2013   Workshop with Liz Haywood-Sullivan in Littleton, Colorado – Working plein-air and in the studio  using pastel
2013   Workshop with Marc Hanson on Madeline Is, Wisconsin – Working plein-air and in the studio using oil
2010   Workshop with David Taylor at Dillman’s in Wisconsin – Working plein-air and in the studio using watercolor
Earlier Workhops – Various workshops with other American, Canadian and local Winnipeg artists including Jean Pederson, Ron Ranson, Grant Fuller, Brent Laycock, Cheng Khee Chee and Aliana Au

Exhibition Work
2014   Two City Girls – in love with the country in Carmen, MB
2008-2014   Manitoba Society of Artists Annual Juried Show (works juried in all annual shows during this period), Winnipeg
2013-2014   Auxilliary Gallery at Cre8ery, Winnipeg
2012  Quick Paint Competition at Door County Plein-air Festival, Door County, Wisconsin
2007-2014   Charleswood Art Group Springtide Show, Winnipeg
2012   Artful Hours at the Frame of Mind Gallery, Winnipeg

2014   Honorable mention for “Early Spring Fields – Southwestern MB” in the Manitoba Society of Artists Annual Juried Show
2012   2nd place overall for “Seaside Artist” in the Manitoba Society of Artists Annual Juried Show

2014   The process of painting and working on black in pastel (Charleswood Art Group)
2007-2014    Various demos provided to Charleswood Art Group

Professional Affiliations
2010-2014   Member of the Manitoba Society of Artists
2007-2014   Member of the Charleswood Art Group, Winnipeg
2013-2014   Member of the Cre8ery Gallery, Winnipeg